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Communication Skills in Children

9 ways to improve Communication Skills in Children

Communication is a fundamental skill that plays a crucial role in a child’s personal, academic, and social development. At CMR School Medchal, we recognize the importance of nurturing effective communication skills in our students from an early age. In this article, we’ll explore nine practical ways to enhance communication skills in children and set them

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Brain exercises

5 Brain exercises to improve memory power in children

In today’s fast-paced world, having a sharp memory is essential for academic success and overall cognitive development in children. At CMR School Medchal, we understand the importance of nurturing memory power in our students. Therefore, we’ve compiled a list of five brain exercises to help improve memory power in children. 1. Memory Games and Puzzles

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Important Definitions

Some Important Definitions for Grade 8 Students

At CMR School Medchal, we are committed to providing students with a comprehensive education that fosters intellectual curiosity and a thirst for knowledge. As part of our Grade 8 curriculum, it’s essential for students to grasp key concepts and terminologies across various subjects. In this article, we’ll explore 20 important definitions that Grade 8 students

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English Mistakes

8 Common Spoken English Mistakes Made by Students

English is a widely spoken language around the world, and proficiency in spoken English is essential for effective communication. However, many students often make common mistakes when speaking English, which can hinder their ability to express themselves clearly and confidently. At CMR School Medchal, we understand the importance of helping students overcome these challenges and

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Relaxation Techniques

Beat Exam Stress: Relaxation Techniques for a Calm Mind

Exams can often bring about feelings of stress and anxiety in students. At CMR School Medchal, we understand the importance of supporting students’ mental well-being, especially during challenging times like exams. In this article, we’ll explore effective relaxation techniques to help students maintain a calm mind and manage exam stress.  Understanding Exam Stress Before delving

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Leadership Development Program

Empowering Tomorrow’s Leaders: The Leadership Development Program

At CMR School Medchal, we are committed to nurturing not just students, but future leaders who will make a positive impact on society. Our Leadership Development Program (LDP) is a cornerstone of our educational philosophy, designed to instil essential leadership qualities and skills in students, empowering them to become confident, responsible, and visionary leaders of

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Why Must You Go To School Regularly?

Education forms the cornerstone of a successful life. While it’s a fact widely acknowledged, the significance of regular school attendance often gets overshadowed. In this article, we delve into why regular attendance at CMR School Medchal is paramount for holistic development. Importance of Attendance Consistent attendance is not merely about fulfilling a mandatory requirement; it’s

Why Must You Go To School Regularly? Read More »

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